Risorse scaricabili
In questa sezione sono disponibili le brochure e le guide da scaricare. Quasi tutte sono in inglese.
The Big Guide to Good Work Lighting
Everything you need to know about good lighting.
The Big Guide to Testing and Approvals
Everything you need to know about testing and approvals.
Product Overview EN
Brief overview of TYRI’s most popular products.
TYRI in Construction
Lighting solutions which compliment the construction sector.
Lighting solutions which compliment the agricultural sector.
Lighting solutions which compliment the material handling sector.
Lighting solutions which compliment the commercial vehicles sector.
Lighting solutions which compliment the emergency vehicles sector.
Lighting solutions which compliment the municipal vehicles sector.
Introducing INTELLilight® from TYRI
The function of INTELLilight® is to connect all lights in a closed wireless mesh network. Ciò significa ottenere tutte le funzioni senza cavi aggiuntivi, garantendo che sia facile da installare, anche su veicoli esistenti. All the units are then registered in the app, making it possible to control each of them individually and to program their settings to your own personal preferences. Puoi anche programmare il telecomando per un accesso rapido e pratico. Through the INTELLilight® system you can easily adapt your lighting, manually or automatically via the sensor.
INTELLilight® in action
Step into the future of lighting with TYRI INTELLilight®.
Introducing BASEline
An 2021 innovation from TYRI with excellent value for money cost ratio in a quality built work light.
TYRI Off Road US
TYRI Off Road lighting
TYRI Lights Test Lab
How does TYRI ensure our lights continue to perform, no matter the environment? Have a look inside our test lab.
Behind the Scenes at TYRI Light Lab
Why is EMC important when you are looking at work lighting? È di vitale importanza, specialmente sui veicoli di emergenza o militari, che l’illuminazione non influenzi i sistemi di controllo, le telecamere, i computer di bordo e altre apparecchiature radio sensibili. Questo è il motivo per cui le luci TYRI vengono esaminate attentamente per garantire che non interferiscano con la funzionalità EMC. Take a look behind the scenes with Håkan Dalsvik, Senior Design Engineer at TYRI Light Lab to see how TYRI ensures our lights are EMC compliant.
1010 IR from TYRI
Il modello 1010 IR utilizza gli infrarossi per fornire una soluzione potente e affidabile. È da utilizzare insieme alle telecamere per la visione notturna o ai rivelatori IR. Gli emettitori 1010 IR migliorano le capacità di visione notturna e sono configurati a 850 nm. This video demonstrates the effectiveness of this light.
0909 Compact+ BluePoint from TYRI
Introducing the 0909 Compact+ BluePoint from TYRI – an attractive warning lights in a slim housing. Giving advanced warning of a machine approaching.
Introducing the VL4 Redline
The VL4 RedLine is a revolutionary allows safety to be visual by projecting a visible exclusion zone around a machine. Keeping pedestrians at a safe distance.
TYRI HL Compact
The HL Compact from TYRI is the FIRST space efficient LED headlight specifically designed to be installed on slow moving machines, providing a superior light close to the vehicle. Its innovative design is ECE approved and allows the light to be mounted at an increased height compared with conventional headlights. Si tratta di un’interessante sostituzione dei vecchi fari alogeni su escavatori gommati, trattori per terminal, pale gommate e autocarri con cassone ribaltabile.