
マシンオペレーターのJahn Steinarは、頭痛に悩まされながら長年森林で働き続けていました。頭痛は特に暗闇の中で何時間も働いているときに起こっていましたが、冬場は白い雪がランプの強烈な光を反射するため特にひどかったそうです。ところが、彼が勤めるノルウェーの伐採企業Næsbø…

TYRI、2023年のINTELLilight®の売上見通しを2 倍に拡大 ➖ 需要に応えるため、全工場で製造開 始へ


Brilliant Reach as @Swedigger and TYRI go ultra-viral!

At the time of writing this article at beginning of March 2023,…

“Let There Be Light” – TYRI Lights pays tribute to machine operators with their own rock song and video

TYRI, in collaboration with the artist PAX., has produced a rock…

Adventure Calls

Looking for Adventure? The new TYRI V12 Light bar is the…

Timber Truck Operator – Rebecka

Timber truck operator Rebecka: “It feels like it’s always…

Ottossons Åkeri lights up in the forest

Timber trucks must be able to navigate narrow forest roads, safely…

TYRI in innovative collaboration with Swedigger

TYRI is at the forefront in many areas when it comes to lighting…

TYRI proud to be part of Massey Ferguson’s award winning design team

Massey Ferguson, a worldwide brand of AGCO, is one of the leading…