EMC Testing In-House

The aim of TYRI’s EMC laboratory is to test how the company’s…

It’s all in the details

Making sure TYRI work lights are manufactured to the highest…

Quatro dicas para uma boa iluminação

Um ambiente bem iluminado nos faz sentir seguros e nos permite…

TYRI Test Lab; único, prático e eficiente

Os faróis TYRI devem suportar tensões severas nos ambientes…

Creativity and innovation for a bright future

What are the latest trends in heavy vehicle lighting? What will…

From Beetles to Heavy Vehicle Lighting

Dr Lia Fernandez is on one of the optic specialists at TYRI.…

The Quest for Optimal Light Distribution

Optical engineering is a challenging profession. This is particularly…

Vencedor do German Design Award 2019

A TYRI se orgulha de fazer parte da equipe vencedora do Toyota…